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dc.description.abstractTu és o Sol is a sapphic romance set in Campo Grande during the 1930s, a period marked by the great success of the Noroeste do Brasil railway. The Noroeste railway was a central point in the creation of the narrative universe because it played a part in the development, growth, and modernization of the city of Campo Grande. Additionally, it was one of the factors influencing the ongoing discussion about the creation of the state of Mato Grosso do Sul – formerly part of Mato Grosso. The story revolves around three characters: Maria, Cecília, and Emiliano. Cecília is the main character, and the story is told from her perspective. She is married to Emiliano but is in love with his cousin, who moved to São Paulo. Maria is Cecília's love interest and Emiliano's cousin. She is a musician, having moved to São Paulo as a teenager to study piano. Emiliano is Cecília's husband and Maria's cousin. He works in a managerial position at the railway and is responsible for all the expansions the Noroeste do Brasil company is pursuing. The film focuses on the relationship between Cecília and Maria, showcasing the connection and development of their love through classical music and lyricism. The title "You are the Sun" comes from a poem written by Brazilian poet Juvenal Galeno and was orchestrated by Brazilian musician Alberto Nepomuceno. Nepomuceno is considered one of the leading nationalist composers who advocated for the use of the Portuguese language in classical music. Classical music is present throughout the narrative and is a crucial element in the reconnection of the two characters, Cecília and Maria.-
dc.publisherFundação Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sulpt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectRoteiro de longa-metragem-
dc.subjectRomance Sáfico-
dc.subjectCampo Grande-
dc.titleTu és o Solpt_BR
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Cursopt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor1RAMIRO GIROLDO-
dc.description.resumoRoteiro de longa metragem, romance sáfico que se passa em Campo Grande nos anos 30.pt_BR
Aparece nas coleções:Audiovisual - Bacharelado (FAALC)

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