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dc.description.abstractThe aim of this monograph is to study the ineffectiveness of imprisonment, in terms of the closed regime, in the context of maintenance enforcement, through an analysis of doctrine, case law and the relevant legislation. The issue involves both social and legal aspects, and the purpose of this work is to reflect on the positive and negative points of this coercive measure adopted in Brazil. The study seeks to examine solutions from a legal perspective, as well as analyzing ways of guaranteeing the principle of effectiveness and the reasonable duration of the process. In this context, the work offers a detailed analysis of this type of imprisonment, presenting the doctrinal understandings that defend it and, at the same time, opposing opinions, considering that freedom is a fundamental right. Furthermore, the study will address the effectiveness of civil imprisonment when applied in specific situations, as well as its ineffectiveness in certain circumstances, highlighting the challenges and limitations of this coercive means in practical cases-
dc.publisherFundação Universidade Federal de Mato Grosso do Sulpt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subjectPrisão Civil. Execução de Alimentos. Regime Fechado. Ineficácia.-
dc.subject.classificationCiências Humanaspt_BR
dc.titleA (in)eficácia da prisão civil no âmbito da execução de prestação alimentíciapt_BR
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Cursopt_BR
dc.contributor.advisor1LUCIANE GREGIO SOARES LINJARDI-
dc.description.resumoO presente estudo tem por determinação contestar a prisão civil do devedor de alimentos, em busca de analisar se este mecanismo é eficaz no que diz respeito à satisfação do crédito alimentar.pt_BR
Aparece nas coleções:Direito - Bacharelado (FADIR)

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